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Lip gloss-recommend Dior - 未名空间精华区
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Lip gloss-recommend Dior

发信人: guozi (果子), 信区: Fashion
标 题: Lip gloss-recommend Dior & Laura Mercier
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Mon Jun 2 21:57:25 2003) WWW-POST

I believe I've posted it here before but can't find it on this board any more.
anyway I guess it's worth recommending them again:-)

My favorite lip gloss is Dior's Diorific plastic shine in rose
euphorie/euphoric rose. Unlike most other lip gloss lines, Diorific is highly
pigmented, and the colors are just so gorgeous. The color is really rich, and
it looks dewying on my lips:-) It's not sticky, and I've never had any problem
with my long hair even when it's flying. It's also very long lasting, the
color stays for quite a few hours. It may feel a bit drying sometimes, though.
But overall i think it's a great product.

For girls prefer shine to color, Laura Mercier would be a great choice. They
are not as heavily pigmented as the Diorific, actually not many lip glosses
are anyway, yet it shines in a very nice way, soft and dewy. It is a bit
sticky though.

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※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM: 207.68.]


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